Overcoming Excuses: Embracing Momentum for Progress

Excuses – we’ve all made them at one point or another. They sneak into our minds like unwelcome guests, whispering doubts and fears that can derail our best intentions. Yet, what if I told you that excuses don’t have to be roadblocks? What if I shared that moving forward is simply a matter of harnessing energy and momentum? Let’s dive in and explore how to overcome excuses and propel ourselves toward success.

Understanding Excuses and Blockages

Excuses are like weeds in the garden of progress. They sprout up when we least expect them, hindering our growth and stifling our potential. But why do we make excuses in the first place? Often, there’s a deeper root cause lurking beneath the surface – a blockage, whether conscious or subconscious, that holds us back.

Identifying Common Excuses

Let’s shine a light on some of the most common excuses people make for themselves. Perhaps you’ve felt like you're not good enough for success, trapped in a cycle of self-doubt. Maybe you find comfort in familiarity and fear stepping outside your comfort zone. Or, it could be that you envision challenges as insurmountable mountains, convincing yourself it’s easier to stay put than to climb.

Take a moment to reflect: What excuses have you made for yourself? Do any of these sound familiar? Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward breaking free from their grip.

Overcoming Excuses with Action

Now, here’s the secret sauce: action. When excuses rear their ugly heads, it’s time to take charge and move forward despite the doubts. Start small – ask yourself, “What is one goal or one thing, no matter how small, that I can do to work on something?” It could be as simple as sending that email you’ve been putting off or taking the first step toward a new project.

Don’t let overanalyzing paralyze you. Instead, embrace the energy and momentum of progress. Remember, moving forward is just that – movement. It’s taking that initial step and keeping the momentum going, one action at a time.  If you deal with analysis paralysis, then you may want to check out Season 2 episode 13 of the Fired Up Freedom Podcast called, ‘’How do you handle Analysis Paralysis?’’.


Excuses may try to sneak their way into our minds, but they don’t have to dictate our path. By understanding the underlying blockages, identifying common excuses, and taking proactive steps toward progress, we can break free from the shackles of self-doubt and embrace the journey ahead.

So, what will you do today to overcome your excuses? It’s time to harness the power of momentum and chart a course toward your goals.

For more insights and tips on personal growth and development, visit steveryan.com


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