Do you need help understanding relationships? Love, Family & Business

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Let’s talk about relationships.  Relationships are important to the mindset because it affects the way we feel and the way we feel impacts the decisions that we make.  The three relationships being addressed today are love, family and business.


Love relationships are very important because it impacts the center of our emotional wellbeing.  Usually if someone is in a love relationship, that dynamic can impact them more intensely than other dynamics.  Some people are good with love and some are not.  The most important aspect to love relationships is to make sure that you’re honest with yourself no matter what.  If you are honest with yourself, then you will be able to be honest in any kind of love situation.  If you’re honest with yourself, you won’t allow someone to mistreat you and you will be willing to walk away if need be. 


I had a conversation with someone and she wanted me to give her my opinion about her love situation.  The goal with the conversation was to be honest, show tough love but yet be sensitive at the same time.  Love can make people not listen to logic sometimes.  The heart wants what the heart wants.  If the signs are there that something isn’t working, you can’t force it to work.  It doesn’t matter how long you stay in the situation or what steps you take, at the end of it all, the actions of the situation will tell the true story.


One important thing is to pay attention to your gut feelings which are also known as intuition.  If something doesn’t feel right on a gut level, then it may something that you need to pay attention to.  A key note here, if you’re someone who’s naturally insecure and natural questioning if things are wrong in your head, then it will be a little bit more challenging to pay attention to your gut.  You won’t know if what you’re feeling is coming from the gut or from fear.  The best thing in all of the scenarios is to be careful jumping to conclusions.  A good indicator of a gut feeling is if something is nagging at you and things just don’t add up no matter how much you try to make them. 


A common thing that I notice in a lot of relationships is that people try to change each other too much.  And when their partner doesn’t change to fit the way they want, then it leads to ultimatums.  That leads to the famous question which is, ‘’if I leave, will this person step up?”  I’ve never been a big fan of ultimatums.  If a person is only taking action out of fear of losing you, then that relationship should be evaluated in great detail and you may have to be honest with yourself that this relationship is not the best match. 

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 If someone changes out of fear of losing you, it is setting up the situation for that person to resent you later on and the relationship ends anyway.  This is why coming from a place of honesty is the best approach.  You have to be honest with yourself and ask yourself, do you like the person for who they are or for the idea of what you want them to be?


This doesn’t mean that relationships have to be perfect.  The main point here today is for you to be honest with yourself and with anyone you are in a relationship with.  If you are genuinely happy in your relationship, then hats off to you that is amazing.  Unfortunately, this is not the case in every situation.  The reality of the matter is that some people are in each other’s lives for a season and some more long term. 


The emotions of relationship can be very draining on you working toward your goals if those emotions are negative.  If the relationship is a good one, then it can actually help boost you towards your goals.  Can you imagine how hard it is to work on your dreams in the middle of heartbreak or deception?  It is possible but it’s not easy.  It’s important to make sure that a relationship does not destroy who you are. 


I make it a practice if I ever enter into a relationship to be straight forward from day one.  I love all of the work I do and I put a lot of time into it and it’s important to me.  So if someone is going to be with me, they have to accept that that comes with the package or I’m willing to let it go.  That’s called being honest. 


Life isn’t meant to be perfect.  Sometimes the path forward involves heartache and pain.  The good news is you can grow from that and move forward as you learn from it. 

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The next dynamic of relationships are family.  Family is a great thing and I have no quarrels with family relationships.  It’s in my opinion that family does not always mean that it has to be blood family.  Family can be someone who has your back and you have theirs.  And just like with a blood family, you may argue sometimes and other times get along.  The biggest factor with family relationships is knowing when and how to set boundaries.  This relationship dynamic can have just as much of an emotional impact as love relationships. 


Friendships can be included in the family relationship dynamic.  Knowing when to set boundaries is a good thing to learn in those dynamics as well. 


Another dynamic of relationships are business relationships.  One very important thing with networking type of business relationships is to strive for it to be a win-win situation.  If someone is a parasite and they’re only looking to gain, then it won’t be a very good business relationship dynamic.


The other type of business relationships is the traditional one where you are the client of a company or vice versa.  Even in that dynamic, people have to be treated with respect if they want that relationship to continue. 

Thank you for joining me today and feel free to hear the full episode of relationships on the podcast at



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