Proud of Me Details

Here’s an excerpt from a Source Magazine Article about Proud of Me-


Attachment is a form of love that humans have and feel for each other. It brings them closer to people and increases the value of a certain someone. Parents are one of those beings that a human is attached with from their birth. The faces of these people are the first ones they recognize and remember, and losing even one of them is a huge loss.

Losing a parent brings massive suffering to a person. Similar was the case with Steve Ryan. He shared an immeasurable and indescribable bond with his father, whom he lost. He often remembers the precious time he had spent with him during his childhood.

His attachment with his father led him to dedicate a song to him. Proud of Me, released on April 6, 2021, is a tribute to his father. This song honors loved ones and is written by Steve Ryan, Amy Kuney and Cari Cole. The song’s moving lyrics and intricate music expresses relatable feelings of grief and regret for people who could not express their feelings before.