Escape Your Limitations - Meet Graybeat a.k.a Robin Sedivy

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Have you ever found yourself wanting to escape any limitations that hold you back? Meet Graybeat. His music is ever evolving and he leaves his audience wanting more. Listening to his music creates an element of escaping reality and allowing the listener’s mind to travel into a relaxed space.

Despite the many challenges posed by the global COVID pandemic, Robin Sedivy (SED-i-vee), the producer behind GrayBeat’s, Elemental Rhapsody, decided to take action. 

Coming off the heels of his first self-produced full-length release, and still determined to manifest his original vision for a GrayBeat live performance, he embraced a variety of new technologies to deliver his musical message in a completely new way. 

The result is a whole new interactive series of livestreaming audio and visual performances, not only breathing new life into his music, but often exceeding his own expectations of how engaging and exciting a live stream musical performance could be. 

GrayBeat’s latest effort, GrayBeat LIVE is a fully-mastered and hand picked collection of Robin’s favorite live audio and video performances. These performances use innovative real-time 3D graphics and video, which Robin has programmed to evolve and react to his improvised live audio performances. Visit him at

Listen to his full interview at


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