Boundaries: A Story of Struggle, Growth and Freedom

The Struggle - Helping Versus Enabling

If you don't set boundaries, chances are, you will lose. This harsh truth is often learned the hard way, and believe me, I learned it. Like many, I was driven by the desire to help people. But as time passed, I found myself entangled in a battle – the struggle between helping and enabling. The lines blurred, and the balance tipped. 

I poured so much of myself into others that there was little left for me. A harsh reality dawned: people often don't care about the impact on you. And here's the kicker - it was my fault. Not because I cared too much, but because I cared too little about myself. I allowed my generosity to be taken for granted, thinking it was selflessness.

We all have a responsibility to ourselves first. No one else will shoulder that for you. It might sound selfish, but it's not. It's self-preservation, self-respect. And yet, the amount of energy I invested in others, only to find my resources used and abused, was staggering. A testament to the fact that people often change once they get what they want.

 The Realization - Setting Boundaries 

When I extended my hand, it was grabbed, not held. People didn't want growth, they wanted aid. This was the wake-up call I needed. It was high time to set boundaries. The journey was uncomfortable, yes. Difficult, definitely. But necessary? Absolutely. For my sake, and surprisingly, for the sake of others too.

Setting boundaries doesn't mean turning a blind eye to those in need. It's about discerning when to lend a hand, and when to guide one towards self-sufficiency. The process of setting boundaries led to personal growth and surprisingly, growth for those who truly sought it. It empowered them to help themselves and me to preserve my resources for where they truly mattered.

The Growth - Finding Freedom

Don't repeat my past mistakes. Don't wait until you've stretched yourself too thin to understand the importance of setting boundaries. Learn from my journey. It's time we redefine what it means to truly help people. And remember, it's not selfish to care for yourself. It's essential. You can't pour from an empty cup.

Setting boundaries is not a wall, it's a gate. A gate to a healthier, happier, and more balanced life. But perhaps the biggest surprise was the freedom I discovered in setting boundaries. Freedom from my past patterns, freedom from my own limitations. 

Setting boundaries didn't just bring balance and self-respect, it led to a sense of liberation. This is a testament to the ethos of my #FreedomFamily. I encourage you all to find your freedom, set your boundaries. This is the path to not only self-growth but the growth of those around us who truly desire it.

If you would love to be around a community of people who are all about freedom, then I invite you into our community, Steve Ryan & the Freedom Family


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