Current Cases

Stop Medical Bills from being garnished from people’s wages and stop them from reporting to credit bureaus. People should not have to choose between feeding their families and paying medical bills.

Sign this Petition to the White House, Senate and House of Representatives.

More Details Below:

Sign this petition and share this petition. People need our help. Why should people have to choose between going to the doctor and being concerned about if they can afford it? Why should people have to be concerned about medical bills hitting their credit reports? It's hard enough for people to survive financially day to day. And when the unexpected health issues arise, the last thing on someone's mind should be their medical bills. Let's petition the White House, Senate and House of Representatives to pass a consumer friendly law that will stop medical collections from being garnished from people's wages and to stop it from reporting to people's credit report. Especially for low income and people who struggling to make ends meet paycheck to paycheck.

People don't choose to get sick. It's not fair that they are penalized if they can't afford to pay their medical bills or if they don't have health insurance or if the health insurance doesn't cover it all. It hurts to have to hear that people actually will think twice about riding in an ambulance if they need medical attention because they worry about a bill later.

Medical bills that turn into collections that get placed on the credit can impact someone getting a job, buying a home, car or anything else that's needed. It's not fair and it's not right.

When I saw this article about one of the top hospital groups in the country going after thousands of people for medical bills even during the pandemic, it broke my heart.

Check out these statistics.

According to a 2016 Kaiser Family Foundation and New York Times survey, more than 1 in 4 Americans had trouble paying a recent medical bill. And when medical debt piles up, that can lead to difficult financial decisions, such as needing to cut back on food, clothing, or other basic household items.

Medical debt—and the fear of medical debt—has severe consequences for Americans. One of the largest issues is that debt can cause people to neglect medical problems. Nearly one in three Americans say that they have delayed getting care because they were worried about the cost.  

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Sign the Petition Today!!

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